After completing this module you will understand the your basic obligations as an employer.
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After completing this module, you will understand the:
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- Different types of Working Arrangements and the importance of getting it right.
- How to identify the correct type of Working Arrangement for each of your employees responsibilities you have regarding trial periods.
- How to establish an employee's right to work in New Zealand, and what is required of you as an employer.
- Where to get information or support.
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After completing this module, you will understand:
- How to Identify employment documentation and its’ purpose.
- the mandatory requirements and components of an Employment Agreement.
- how to Identify and apply your rights and responsibilities within Employment Agreements.

After completing this module you will understand the:
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- Key Minimum Wage requirements.
- Main ways employees are paid.
- Lawful deductions you can make from your employees' pay.
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After completing this module you will understand:
- About changing your employees' Hours of Work.
- How to identify any Hours of Work terms that are negotiable in your employees' Employment Agreement.
- The legal restrictions related to Hours of Work for employees under 16.
- The legal rights of employees' with no guaranteed Hours of Work.

After completing this module, you will understand:
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- Key things to know about your employee's Annual Leave/Holiday entitlements.
- Key things to know about calculating holiday pay.
- When it can be appropriate for employees to be on a Pay As You Go (PAYG) basis for Annual Leave/Holidays.
- The importance of accurate Annual Leave/Holiday record keeping.
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After completing this module, you will understand:
- Your employee's Other Leave entitlements.
- Key Other Leave terms.
- How important Other Leave record keeping is.

The best way to prevent and resolve employment relationship problems is for the parties (employer and employee) to discuss and resolve any issue/s together, as soon as they arise rather than waiting.