This module is a quick summary to your employment rights. All employees are encouraged to complete this introductory module first. It is designed for all employees covering both current and future workers.

After completing this module, you will understand the:
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- Different types of Working Arrangements and the importance of getting it right.
- How to identify different Working Arrangements.
- Your rights regarding trial periods.
- Where to get information or support.
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After completing this module, you will understand the:
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- Three important documents your employer should give you before you start a job (Job Offer, Job Description, and Employment Agreement including the purpose and benefits of each).
- Essential Employment Agreement details that must be included in an Employment Agreement by law.
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After completing this learning module, you will understand the:
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- Minimum Wage rate types and related information.
- Different ways employees can be paid.
- Pay terms in an Employment Agreement.
- Different types of lawful deductions that can be made to an employee's pay.
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After completing this learning module, you will understand:
- When changes can be lawfully made to your Hours of Work.
- The Hours of Work terms in an Employment Agreement.
- The Legal rights of employees with no guaranteed Hours of Work.
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After completing this module, you will understand:
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- Your Annual Leave/Holiday entitlements.
- The terms relevant to Annual Leave/Holidays.
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After completing this module you will understand the:
- Bereavement Leave, Alternative Holiday, Public Holiday, and Sick Leave entitlements.
- Key terms related to Bereavement Leave, Alternative Holidays, Public Holidays, and Sick Leave.
- Other main types of leave.

The best way to prevent and resolve employment relationship problems is for the parties (employer and employee) to discuss and resolve any issue/s together, as soon as they arise rather than waiting.